Saturday, March 28, 2009

Submitting a proposal

Give us your weird, your bright,
Your huddled artists yearning to breathe free,
The eccentric rebels of your teeming arts.
Send these, the homeless works-in-progress to us!

La Cat Salons welcomes proposals for short performances, including works-in-progress, experimental, cross-media, theatrical, dance, music, short film, mime, clowning, burlesque, cabaret, interactive performances, spoken word pieces, storytelling etc..

Performances must have minimal staging requirements (we offer theatrical spots for a simple wash of light, microphone, projector and sound system. All films on a standard PAL DVD, all sound on CD. Bring your own props, costumes and make-up.)

Artist participation in our salons is free. Optimum length of performance between 5 and 15 minutes, original work preferred.

To make a submission, email with:

*The Title of the Piece
*The Duration of the Piece
*The Names of the Artists Involved
*Staging Requirements
*A Brief Description of the Piece

We look forward to receiving your ideas!