Sunday 13th December 2009, 8PM @ THE BACK LOFT,
Complimentary drinks will be on offer with a raffle at the end of the night.
1 - Rachel Devlyn - 'Bel Canto' - DANCE
2 - Ruth Lehane - clowning sketch - CLOWNING
3 - Antje Schneider - Plusminus 1 - DANCE
4 - Seamus Bradley - Waggle Dance - MUSIC/SPOKEN WORD
5 - Diane Reddington - Simple Traces II - DANCE/LIVE DRAWING
6 - Paul Roy - Autocoma1/Tunnel - VIDEO/SOUND ART
7 - Hillary Williams - experiments in presence - SPOKEN WORD
8 - The Zoryanna - Bellydance - DANCE
9 - Surprise guest
10 - Anne Lillis - Jean D'Arc de Triomphe - COMEDY/CABARET